About the Book
This is a Project compilation by Hasbunallah that consists of Scientific, Futuristic, Historical and Linguistic miracles in the Quran. The Noble Qur’an, the last and final divine revelation, the Miracle given to the Prophet of Allah and the last messenger to whole of the mankind, Muhammad (Peace be upon him), which is the Speech of Allah swt, a revelation whose verses challenged the mankind to produce a single chapter of it’s like.
We have tried to produce a compilation where all the miracles of Qur’an are combined in one place. This will not only serve as an information-base for Muslims but to a great extent, be helpful for our sincere brothers and sisters in humanity, the Non-Muslims’ readers seeking to know more about the book of the religion of truth, Al-Quran to understand Islam. The in depth analysis of these miracles proves to mankind that Qur’an is the word of God (Allah swt).
Lastly, this compilation is also a response-tool to the unaware, and unfortunate mankind who mocks or attacks Islam by attacking the Qur’an or Prophet Muhammad (May Peace and blessings of Allah swt be upon him).
May Allah swt make this compilation beneficial for the Muslim and non-Muslim readers alike.
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