We Are Proud of Our Prophet’s Marriage To Ayesha – By Shiekh Ahmad Musa Jibril

Unique Virtues of Aisha (r.a), Our Mother, the Mother of Believers.

…And from her unique virtues [May Allah be pleased with her] is that she was the dearest wife to the Messenger of Allah [Prayers of Allah and peace be upon him] as was proven in Bukhari and others, when he [Prayers of Allah and peace be upon him] was asked whom among the people is the most beloved by you, so said: Aisha. [He was then asked] and from the men, so he said: her father.

…And from her unique qualities [May Allah be pleased with her] is that he [Prayers of Allah and peace be upon him] did not marry a virgin except her.

…And from her unique virtues [May Allah be pleased with her] is that he [Prayers of Allah and peace be upon him] did not did receive Revelation in the cover of any, except hers [Bukhari].

…And from her unique virtues [May Allah be pleased with her] is that when the verse of the choice was revealed to him [Prayers of Allah and peace be upon him] he started with her and gave her the choice and said: “You do not have to hasten until you have consulted your parets so she [May Allah be pleased with her] replied back saying: Is this a matter that needs consultation of my parents, rather I want Allah, His Messenger, and the Hereafter. These words of her were taken an example and followed by the rest of his wives [May Allah be pleased with them], who said as she said.

…And from her unique virtues [May Allah be pleased with her] is that Allah cleared her from that which the people accused her of, and [Allah] revealed in her excuse and proclamation of her innocence a Revelation recited in the Mihrabs of the Muslims and during their prayers until the day of Resurrection. He [Glorified is He] bore witness that she is from among the pure, and He promised her forgiveness and a rich noble provision. He [the Exalted] said that what was said of Al-Ifk (the Slander which occured against our mother) brought good to her, and that this which was mentioned was not bad for her in any way neither was she at fault nor was this something that would degrade her status in any way, rather it was something by which Allah elevated her status and raised her level. It gave her a noble mention of both purity and innocence among the dwellers of the Earth and Heavens, so what great is that of a virtue for her [May Allah be pleased with her].

…And from her unique virtues [May Allah be pleased with her] is that: The seniors from among the companions [May Allah be pleased with them] when they were confused or unsure about a matter pertaining to the Religion, they would ask her and would find knowledge of what they asked with her.

…And from her unique virtues [May Allah be pleased with her] is that: the Messenger of Allah [peace be upon him] died at her home, during her day, on her chest, and was buried in her home.

[Jalaa Al-Afhaam by Ibn Al-Qayim [1/237-241: Shamela]

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