Sincere Advice to Those Who participate in Da’wah Along with Tableeghi Jama’at

Words from ‘Hasbunallah’ About the Book:

We found this book extremely useful especially for the brothers who would like to enjoin good for the betterment of the Muslims.  We understand the sensitivity of this Dawah methodology and hence we got this book reviewed by Shaykh Abu Adnan (

This booklet directly speaks to those brothers in Islam who decides to go out in the path of Dawah/Islaah. Nevertheless, this intention is very good however there are extremely important things that need to be considered before Dawah can be given.

After reading and pondering upon the text and evidences outlined in this booklet, its your right to take the evidences with you to our Tableeghi brothers once you’ve been invited to join or you plan to join them. Ask them questions and the real situations outlined in this document by the author, which has been detailed in a very good friendly atmosphere without inducing any sort of hatred or enmity.

Remember we shall strive to unite the Ummah upon true methodology, as our beloved prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alehe wassalam) did,  who did not compromise on truth in any shape or form. And seeking truth is the responsibility of every human being on this earth.

Please read this booklet cover to cover and share it with others. We ask Allah swt to grant us goodness in this life and hereafter.

Words from the Author About the Book:

So, you have the noble intention to rectify the affairs of the people, and have chosen to do this by means of participation in the activities of the Tableeghi Jamaat, Then here are a few important matters that you should be aware of about Tableeghi Jamaat’s activities so that your choice is based on the right information and the correct perspective:

  • Perhaps someone exaggerated the status of a group’s activities, calling it the work of the Sahabah – and it may not be so.
  • Perhaps, someone exaggerated the reward of doing certain actions – and they may not have any proofs for their claim.
  • Perhaps, you are unaware of the gross mistakes in the teachings of a group – and you unknowingly participate in it.
  • Perhaps, you hope that the activities of a group can bring about religious Islaah (reformation) in the lives of the Muslims – and you have been deceived into believing this unfortunately.

So, we present this booklet to you in order that you reflect on the mistakes that have been pointed to in the Tableeghi Jamaat, and not be deceived by exaggerated claims and misperceptions.

And that if you participate in any kind of dawah activity, then you do so out of an informed choice; well-aware of the consequences of the teachings that you are helping spread. You do not want to enjoin good in a manner, which will result in a greater evil.

You do not want to teach a person the virtues of charity by narrating to him stories that give hope in benefitting from the dead – the foundation of graveworship!

We’d like to say that this book is being presented to you purely out of serious concern and not out of hatred.  We have no personal enmity with the Deobandis or Tableeghis – while a lot of our families come from this background.

But the truth has to be said, and one cannot remain a silent spectator while the people are given flawed teachings, and are being deprived of correct rectification in Aqeedah and action.

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