By Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi
Translated By Wa’il Shihab
Published By Dar Al-Manarah El-Mansoura -Egypt
The book in hand, is a Summarized and Authenticated Version of the masterpiece of Imam al-Ghazali by two Renowned Classical Scholars first by Ibn Al-Jawziy and then by Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi.
This work has taken Important Points and Objectives from The Minhaj Al-Qasidin of Ibn Al-Jawziy which in turn is a Summary of that Magnus Opus of Imam al-Ghazali The ‘Ihya Ulum Ad-Din’, however Ibn Al-Jawziy Compiled the book free from weak or fabricated Hadith and then by Ibn Qudamah.
Ibn Al  Jawzi Says:
The Four Chapters of this Book are:
- Acts of Worship
- Customs
- Destructive Flaws
Means of Salvation
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