Words from the Author:
It has been recorded in recent history that many calls have been made for women’s rights. Calls for women’s freedom, liberation and equal rights with men have been heard all over the world. Such calls are acceptable in societies and countries where women are neither given their due rights, nor are being fairly and justly treated.
It is stunning and surprising, however to hear such calls in Islamic societies where women have been fairly treated and were given their rights more than fourteen hundred years ago, and without any calls made by them, or rather by their advocates.
Close examination of the slogans announced and called for by the women’s liberation movement shows that they hinge on the following three elements:
- Calling for women’s liberation
- Calling for women’s equal rights with men
- Demanding for women’s rights
This booklet gives accurate historical, social and political accounts of WOMEN from an Islamic perspective in a simple yet friendly atmosphere.
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