Translator: Syed Maqsood-ul-Hasan
The main source of Islamic Shariah is Qur’an which is revealed in the exact words of Allah (swt) hence it is termed as Wahy Matlu (oft-Recited Revelation in Allah’s words). Qur’an covers the Divine orders, guiding principles and other facts in a general form. The second source is Hadith which are the Traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (saws). Ahadith inform us about the practical aspects of Divine commandments for human life and provide explanations and demonstrations of the basic principles outlined by Allah (swt. ).
Infact Ahadith are the sayings, deeds and approvals of the Prophet (saws) under Divine guidance, so these are termed as Wahy Ghair Matlu or Wahy Marvi (Revelation narrated in the words of the Prophet (saws)). Thus Ahadith are an indispensable to a Muslim as the Qur’an is to understand Islam and act according to it.
Some Ahadith hold a distinct place and are termed as Ahadith Qudsi (Sacred Traditions). Generally Ahadith are traced back to the Prophet (saws) as regards their authority, but the authority in Ahadith Qudsi is attributed to Allah swt through the Prophet saws. The distinction between the Qur’an and Ahadith Qudsi is that the Qur’an is in the direct wording of Allah as from Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz (the preserved tablet) while Ahadith Qudsi are from Allah as to the meaning and from the Prophet as to the wording.
This book is a collection of Ahadith Qudsi relating to the important aspects of daily life so that the readers may get benefited from it for the success in this life as well as hereafter. Original text of the Ahadith  in Arabic language is also given with the English translation because the translation do not cover the full meanings of the original language.
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