Speaker: Sheikh Abu Bakr Zoud
Series: Tafseer Juzz Amma of Qur’an
The focus of this series is more of a linguistic, and literary approach:
1- Deeper meanings of the Ayaat from a grammatical aspect, meanings that are lost in the English translations.
2- To demonstrate the cohesive flowing nature of the Quran, and how it’s all one unified argument.
3- The precision of word choice, why a specific word is used, as opposed to other words that have the same meaning.
Tafseer Surah Al-Balad – Part 1
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- The remarkable connection between the end of Surat Al-Fajr and the beginning of Surat Al-Balad.
- SWhat makes an oath special in the Quran?
- Why when we do the work of Islam we get oppressed by the forces of disbelief?
- How Allah prepare us for the injustices of the disbelievers?
Tafseer Surah Al-Fajr – Part 2
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- What is meant by “Father” in Surat Al-Balad?
- Why is the Allah expressing amazement at the “Son”?
- Why was the human created in difficulty & intense struggle?
- If i chose other than the path of Allah, does that mean i won’t face difficulty?
- Whats the purpose of difficulty in Islam?
- What are the 2 signs of arrogance?
- Why does Allah mention the 2 eyes, the tongue and the lips?
Tafseer Surah Al-Fajr – Part 3
Download Audio - Part 3 | Size: 66.2 MB | Downloaded 174 times
- What is An-Najdain (2 paths)?
- What is this Al-Aqabah that Allah wants us to get involved in?
- Difference in implication between a past & present tense verb?
- Why is the slave referred to as “the back of the neck”?
- What must you have in addition to being a humanitarian?
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