Speaker: Sheikh Abu Bakr Zoud
Series: Tafseer Juzz Amma of Qur’an
The focus of this series is more of a linguistic, and literary approach:
1- Deeper meanings of the Ayaat from a grammatical aspect, meanings that are lost in the English translations.
2- To demonstrate the cohesive flowing nature of the Quran, and how it’s all one unified argument.
3- The precision of word choice, why a specific word is used, as opposed to other words that have the same meaning.
Tafseer Surah Al-Layl – Part 1
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In this lesson part 1:
- We reflect upon the AMAZING parallels between Surat Ash-Shams & Surat Al-Layl.
- Why did Surat Al-Layl begin with the mention of the Night?
- Why did Surat Ash-Shams begin with the mention of the Day and its Light?
Tafseer Surah Al-Layl – Part 2
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In this lesson part 2:
- What is the central theme of Surat Al-Layl?
- The Link between Day and night being Kufr and Iman.
- In Aayah 3 Allah Says “…male & female”, why didn’t he say man and woman?
- What does “lashataa” mean & how is it’s placement in this Surat awesome?
Tafseer Surah Al-Layl – Part 3
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In this lesson Part 3 (discussing verses 5 – 7):
- What is the difference between آتى & أعطى?
- What is the exact meaning of Taqwah?
- How to get rid of the stingy attitude?
- The amazing theme & style of this Surah?
- The amazing eloquence of Aayah 5 & 6 and they are both guidance for the individual & for a society to function?
Tafseer Surah Al-Layl – Part 4
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In this lesson (Surah Al-Layl Ayaat 8 – 16):
- What does greed lead to?
- What is the root cause of greed?
- Can wealth & children be a punishment?
- What is the only wealth you can’t own?
- Â Why does Allah mention the hereafter before mentioning this life?
- Who is the one that ends up in the hell fire and why?
Tafseer Surah Al-Layl – Part 5
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In this lesson (Surah Al-Layl Ayaat 17 – 21):
- How does Allah define Al-Atqa (the most pious)?
- The amazing mercy of Allah in just 2 words, aayah 17.
- What is the purpose of Sadaqah (charity)?
- What is the link between the story of Abu Bakr freeing Bilal (May Allah be pleased with them both) & Surat Al-Layl?
- Â Allaah teaches us that it isn’t money you’re running after, it’s happiness you want at the end. So how do we attain happiness?
- The connection between the beginning & ending of the Surah.
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