
Towards Understanding Of Tadmuriyyah – Ibn Taymiyyah & Ibn Uthaymin

This book discusses Risalah at Tadmouriyyah which is the answer Ibn Taymiyyah provided to the students of the city of Tadmur on the names and attributes of Allah.

Creed of Ibn Abi Zayd Al-Qayrawani

The translation of Muqaddimah Al-Risalah ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani by Imam Abu Muhammad Abdullah Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani with commentary of Shaikh Ahmad ibn Yahya Al-Najmi with Arabic text.

Mukhtasir Minhaj As Sunnah Al-Nabawiyyah

One of the classical works on refuting the Shi'a, Rafida and the Qadariyya and is based on extensive debate of the Imam with the aforementioned groups and thus covers a lot of their defunct arguments.

Sharh Kitab At-Tawheed Min Sahih Al-Bukhari

This is the commentary by Sheikh Abdullah Bin Muhammad Al-Ghunayman on the book of At-Tawheed from the Sahih of Imam Al-Bukhari and consists of two volumes.

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