Birds of A Feather Flock Together | by Sheikh Abu Adnan

Delivered by Sheikh Abu Adnan Mohammad

In this Jumuah Khutbah, Sheikh Abu Adnan touches a crucial topic regarding youth which is generally overlooked by parents. It is a dividing line between success and loss in this world and hereafter. A lots of verses in Qur’an and Ahadith speak about this topic. A topic which cannot be let go by us as muslims.

Sheikh highlights the importance of taking a righteous companion especially among youth in modern age where a lot of fitnah and distraction is present to lead one’s son, daughter, brother or sister astray.

First Khutbah

birds_of_a_feather-Part 1

Download 1st Khutbah Size: 19.6 MB | Downloaded 220 times

Second Khutbah

birds_of_a_feather-Part 2 

Download 2nd Khutbah Size: 17.4 MB | Downloaded 202 times

Full Khutbah


Download full Khutbah Size: 41.8 MB | Downloaded 218 times

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