How Can You Help the Oppressed ?

This article discusses what we can do as an individual for our brothers and sisters who are suffering specially in Ghouta (Syria), besides the oppressed ones in Palestine, Myanmar, Kashmir and else where.

We often hear this:

We’re here far away, what we can do?

There is nothing we can do except Dua?

There are 6 actions points (at least) which one can do as a Muslim:

1. Firm Belief in Allah

A Muslim puts his complete trust in Allaah in every affair with full Ikhlaas (sincerity). If we look at every other matter in this world, it is measured in terms of outcome which is in contrast with our dealing with our Rab, our creator. Where His obedient Servant puts his effort to the best of his ability, exhaust all his resources and then leave the results upon Allah to be decided irrespective of the outcome with full acceptance to the Qadar of Allaah. In summary, Allah Subhana Wa Ta’ala judges you with how much effort you’ve put in and not by how much you achieved out of those efforts.

In Quran’s almost every chapter, there is a purpose of why Allaah Subhana Wa tala has mentioned the story of Prophet Musa Alehis Salam and Fir’awn. Was it just a Story or a Sign for us? Let us recall that story for a while:

Allah says in the Glorious Qur’an:

We recite to you some of the news of Moses and Pharaoh in truth, for a people who believe.  Verily, Pharaoh exalted himself in the land and made its people sects, weakening (oppressing) a group (i.e. Children of Israel) among them; killing their sons, and letting their females live.  Verily, he was of those who commit great sins and crimes, oppressors, tyrant.

(Quran 28:3-4)

And then the scene changes completely which no one had ever thought about it, as Allah says:

And We wished to do a favor to those who were weak (and oppressed) in the land, and to make them rulers and to make them the inheritors, And to establish them in the land, and We let Pharaoh (Fir’awn)and Haman (Egypt’s Chief Minister)  and their hosts receive from them that which they feared.

(Quran 28:5&6)

What was the reason behind Musa triumph over Fir’awn after the weakest of the Bani Isra’il was prosecuted continuously? Was it accidental? No not all.

We know the story when the Banu Isra’il saw defeat in front of them along with Musa Alehis Salam when the army of Fir’awn chased them up. They were in absolute fear, however Allaah granted them victory by drowning the Fir’awn and his strong army in the River Nile consequently. But before that, something happened. Musa Alehis Salam replied to his nation that My Rab will not leave me alone. Allah ordered Musa Alehissalam to strike his stick in the water. Well, feasibility of this action suggests that it was not going to work. Can a stick make a difference? However he was Prophet Musa Alehis Salam who did not think for a second that i was at the verge of being slaughtered by the Fir’awn’s army along with my people and Allaah Subhana Wa ta’la had asked me to strike my stick in the river. He did not ponder for a second to find out the relationship between striking the stick and getting assisted by Allah. This was mere Tawakkal of Prophet Musa Alehis Salam upon his Rab, his protector. Musa Alehis Salam did the effort what he was commanded to do so and the the same action was magnified and amplified to the extent that led to the drowning of the biggest oppressor of that time.

Behind every man’s success is a woman and we see this in the case of Musa Alehis Salam as well. We know from the story of Musa Alehis Salam that Fir’awn became so fanatical in his oppression that he used to send spies or security agents to seek out pregnant women.  If any woman gives birth to a male child, he is immediately put to death. What led the mother of Musa Alehis Salam to obey the inspiration from Allaah to her that she put her dearest child whom she had been preventing from Fir’awn and his army from getting killed, to put in the river? As the story unfolds we then read that:

  • He (Subhana Wa Tala) made Musa Alehissalam the prince in the house of Fir’awn
  • He was raised, nourished and dressed like a prince in the house of Fir’awn
  • His mother who put her in river Nile of fear of the army of Fir’awn, was now invited to the castle of Fir’awn to breastfeed her own son with full protocol.

Let us take a break here for a moment ! At the time she put Musa Alehissalam in the river, did she know this was going to happen? Off course NOT, and this is the same Tawakkal, the reliance upon Allah that led her to do so. In return Allaah not only secured her and Musa Alehis Salam but guaranteed them security till a time when Allaah Subhana Wa’tala made Musa a Prophet and until the time when Fir’awn’s army was defeated and drowned.

Let’s make a firm belief in our hearts that Allah has the power over everything. Nothing can escape from Him. He has the dominion over every throne. Allah will give victory to this Ummah, our role is to believe fully in Allah’s promise and do our part by relying on him Alone, and obeying Allah and His noble Messenger (Sallallahu Alehe Wasallam).

2. Dua (Supplication)

Rasool Allah (Sallallahu Alehe Wassalam) said:

Dua is the weapon of the believer.

Firstly we should ask this question to ourselves: How many times in a day we make Dua for our oppressed brothers and sisters in Islam? Do we remember them in our daily discussions with our peers, our relatives, friends and families? Someone whom we claim to love and attach to, should automatically come out of our tongue. If this not happening, then our claim is wrong.

Secondly, do not belittle or stop making Dua. Many times we exhaust in making dua and then stop doing it just because we’re not getting the desired outcome. Well this could be of multiple reasons. Firstly, there is a time set by Allaah, the best of the planners, for this to be accepted. Moreover, Allaah wants to provide this opportunity to his servants of making Dua for the fellow Muslims, which is an Ibadah hence piling up the Hasanat. Furthermore, our Dua is like the pebbles which are thrown one after another until it breaks the shield completely. Do not Stop the Dua as you do not know the matters of unseen.

Thirdly, for a weapon to be effective and impact-ful, the one using it should be skillful and should know how to use it effectively. If sincerity, Khushoo’ are missing from the Dua without even knowing what is being recited in the dua (due to language) then how can one expect his/her Dua to be effective and being accepted? The one making the Dua is to be blamed and not the Dua’ itself.

3. Dua Al-Qunoot

This a a neglected Sunnah, and we have set it aside only for the month of Ramadan. It is proven from authentic narrations from Prophet Sallallahu Alehe wassallam that in times of calamity, he used to read Al-Qunoot in the last Raka’ of Fajr, in Fard Salah and in voluntarily Salaawat (prayers). Let’s make it a habit of praying it at least in one Salah per day and ask Allaah, the most merciful to remove the sufferings from the Muslim Ummah and from mankind, wherever the oppression persists.

4. Leaving the sins you’re upon and turn back to Allaah

Sins are the destruction for the Ummah. How many nations before us were destroyed because of their sins. Today, all the sins committed by previous nations are rampant and progressed deeply in us in one package. In this situation, the wrath of Allaah Subhana Wa Ta’ala and not deserving to receive his help and Nusrah is inevitable. An individual is a unit of a society which makes a nation. One should now act and make an intention to leave the major or minor sins he/she is upon and turn back to his Lord, the most merciful and compassionate.

5. Sadaqah (Charity)

Scholars have made commentaries on the aspect of sins committed by an individual and communities. Sins brings disasters to the Ummah. One way of reducing sins is to do more and more good deeds and one of the best ways of doing it is Giving Sadaqah. If it is intended for those in severe need of you after Allaah, then what good is better than it. Don’t reserve your big donations for Ramadan only, let’s open our hearts and donate in the path of Allaah to whichever organisation you trust, who are on or off the ground assisting refugees and those impacted.

6. Create Awareness among people

Alas! this is the saddest part.

As our Prophet Sallallahu Alehe wassalam said (to the meaning of the hadeeth) that one is not a true believer who is not concerned with the affairs of the other Muslim.

How can a Muslim sleep after seeing his brothers and sisters oppressed and at least not making Dua for them?

How many countries made a news headline to this oppression being done in Myanmar? Or if any did, was it given due coverage?

As our Prophet Sallallahu Alehe wassalam said (to the meaning) that all the Muslims are like one body so if one component of the body is in pain, the other part also feels the pain. Media makes the mind of the people. It is our duty to generate awareness among the people – Muslims and non-Muslims alike through social media, and whichever ways you’ adopt to.

In the end,

I ask Allaah Subhana Wa Tala to grant our Ummah firm faith to have full tawakkal upon Allaah, His plans and decisions, to have complete belief in the Qadar of Allah as whatever happens has a goodness in it though we haste to dislike it.

May Allaah give us Tawfiq to make Dua, give Sadaqah for His cause and feel pain for the Muslim Ummaah as it deserves. A Muslim is not only concerned about himself and his family only, or his relationship between him and Allaah only (Huqooq Allaah) but he is also concerned for the community and society as well (Huqooq Al-Ibaad). May Allaah grant victory to this Ummah like He gave to Bani Israil after decades of oppression. Verily Allaah does not go against His promise.

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