
Towards Understanding Of Tadmuriyyah – Ibn Taymiyyah & Ibn Uthaymin

This book discusses Risalah at Tadmouriyyah which is the answer Ibn Taymiyyah provided to the students of the city of Tadmur on the names and attributes of Allah.

Ghunyat ul Talibeen | Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani

Ghunyat ul Talibeen was one of those prominent books by noble Sheikh in which he has given his Fiqhi opinions on the topics of Salah, Siyaam, Zakah, Hajj, Adhkar, and Fadail Aamaal backed by Quranic and Hadeethic references.

The Beneficial Message & Definitive Proof In Study Of Theology

A detailed work on Islamic Creed that includes extensive commentary by the translator drawn from classical sources. In this book, differences between varying schools are explored.

Al-Mahdi – Facts and Fiction – by Sheikh Abu Adnan

In this lecture, Sheikh sheds light on the Prophetic descriptions of the Mahdi, the signs of him, the trials and tribulations that shall accompany him, sorting out fact from fiction.

Kashf Ash-Shubuhaat (Removal Of The Doubts) – Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab

One of the most advanced works on the subject by the legend, with over a dozen different arguments and evidences used to justify shirk are presented and then refuted.

The ‘Aqeedah of Imam Al-Bukhari

This book is a translation of the treatise narrated from Imam Al-Bukhari contained in the encyclopedia of the 'Aqeedah known as "Sharh Usool I'tiqaad Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jamaa'ah" of Imam Al-Laalikaa'ee

Sufficiency in Creed (Lum’at-ul-‘Itiqaad) – by Ibn Qudaamah

An abridged version of Imaam Ibn Al-Uthaimeen's explanation of 'Sufficiency in Creed' (Lum'at-ul-'Itiqaad)- Originally authored by Imam Ibn Qudaamah

Luma’ tul Itiqa’d (The Illuminating Creed) By Ibn Qudamah Al Maqdesee

The topics touched upon by the author relate to the authentic Creed and Methodology, which all Muslims are obligated to have knowledge of.

Learning about Allah SWT…by Sheykh Abu Adnan

You don't turn to Humans if you know Allah SWT is the most merciful and He is the greatest source of help (Al-Ghaws al Aazam)

Qadr – From Rays of Faith: Fundamentals of Faith Notes

Good article on Al-Qadar Wa alQada explaining the sects who went astray in understanding it

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