
At-Tadhkirah (In Remembrance Of the Affairs of the Dead And Doomsday)- by Imam Al-Qurtubi

This book is an Authentic Selection from Imam Al-Qurtubi's At-Tadhkirah Fiahwalil-Mawta Wal-Akhirah (In Remembrance Of the Affairs of the Dead And Doomsday)

Paradise and Hell – by Shaykh Umar S. Al-Ashqar

In this book, Dr. Al-Ashqar has covered the descriptions of Paradise and Hell and their inhabitants that will make every reader more conscious of his/her ultimate goal in life, and keep him/her busy in remembering these realities

Belief In Allah – by Shaykh Umar Sulaiman al-Ashqar

First of the Series, In this book, Core of Islamic creed is thoroughly explained by Shaykh discussing all aspects of proofs of existence, definition, deviations, theo-philosophical schools, and impacts etc.

The Messengers and the Messages – by Shaykh Umar S. Al-Ashqar

This comprehensive work which is full of clear proofs and evidences from the pure teachings of Islam, is an essential reading for all Muslims and seekers of truth that details the prophet's teachings and biography in order to join his true and successful followers.

World of Jinns and Devils – by Shaykh Umar S. Al-Ashqar

In this work Dr. Al-Ashqar has attempted to tackle two important topics: The characteristics of the jinn, and the characteristics and methodology of Satan himself.

The World of the Noble Angels- by Shaykh Umar S. Al-Ashqar

Second in the series, the Author draws on the sources of Islam to give us a comprehensive picture of who the angels are, their role in the universe and their interaction with mankind in this world and hereafter

Kashf Ash-Shubuhaat (Removal Of The Doubts) – Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab

One of the most advanced works on the subject by the legend, with over a dozen different arguments and evidences used to justify shirk are presented and then refuted.

The ‘Aqeedah of Imam Al-Bukhari

This book is a translation of the treatise narrated from Imam Al-Bukhari contained in the encyclopedia of the 'Aqeedah known as "Sharh Usool I'tiqaad Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jamaa'ah" of Imam Al-Laalikaa'ee

Maidens of the Jannah (Paradise) [ A Must Read for the Youth ]

In this book, the rewards of the hereafter, esp related to the gorgeous, celestial, wide-eyed beauties - the 'hurs' - of the Jannah, have been set out in clear and concise manner.

Eeman and its Components and the misguidance of Khawarij and the Murjiah

This booklet attempts to educate the reader about the moderate understanding of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah concerning the components of Eeman and Kufr and to warn against the misguided views

Sufficiency in Creed (Lum’at-ul-‘Itiqaad) – by Ibn Qudaamah

An abridged version of Imaam Ibn Al-Uthaimeen's explanation of 'Sufficiency in Creed' (Lum'at-ul-'Itiqaad)- Originally authored by Imam Ibn Qudaamah

Luma’ tul Itiqa’d (The Illuminating Creed) By Ibn Qudamah Al Maqdesee

The topics touched upon by the author relate to the authentic Creed and Methodology, which all Muslims are obligated to have knowledge of.

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