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Early Days | Tarikh Ibn Kathir Abridged

This book is the first part from the classic work, Al-Bidayah wan Nihayah (The Beginning and The End) in it's abridged English translation form. The enormous work is done by the renowned scholar Imam Ibn Kathir and is considered one of the most authoritative sources on Islamic history.

Worldly Difficulties – Reality, Causes and Benefits

This booklet reminds the reader that worldly difficulties are a trial for the believers, while not disregarding the fact that more often afflictions result from one’s sins and disobedience to Allah.

The Beneficial Message & Definitive Proof In Study Of Theology

A detailed work on Islamic Creed that includes extensive commentary by the translator drawn from classical sources. In this book, differences between varying schools are explored.

Yes! I Converted to Islam and here is Why?

This book provides sample testimonies of those who studied Islam objectively and converted to it conscientiously. It is not that Islam needs such testimonies in order to verify its authenticity.

How to Understand the Quran

This is an abridgment of the treatise written by Shaykh Jameel Zeeno which provides every Muslim with essential knowledge regarding the correct way to understand the Qur'an. This should be the goal of every Muslim since the Qur'an is the Message sent by Allaah and the pillar of guidance He has given them.

Commentary on the Forty Hadith of Al-Nawawi

Rather studying hadith in narrow sense, the reader will be introduced to many branches of the Islamic sciences: the different sciences of hadith, the science of textual interpretation, the science of jurisprudence, law, and even Arabic language. This is a great commentary on a great book by the author Brother Jamaal Zarabozo

Tawheed the foremost, O Callers to Islam !

This Risala was a detailed answer given by Sheikh Al-Muhaddith Nasir uddin Albani when he was asked a question as what is the methodolody for muslims to acquire success in all forms and shapes in this world and in the hereafter. In doing so, which Manhaj of Islam that the dua't should adapt that brought success to our predecessors in past.

Quest For Love And Mercy | Regulations for Marriage & Wedding in Islam

The book covers the importance and advantages of marriage, selecting a spouse, the courting process, the marriage contract, celebrating the wedding, the waleemah, forbidden marriages, etc. It provides a practical procedure for performing a marriage contract, and includes a sample marriage certificate.

An Introduction to Zaad al-Mustaqni

This is a translation of Zaad Al-Mustaqni (Summary of Fiqh from the Muqni' of Imam Al Muwaffaq Ibn Qudama) with one predominant opinion, with additional notes taken from Al-Raud Al-Murbi` and other sources.

Thulaathiyyaat – From Musnad Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal

In this beautiful book, Imaam Ahmad reported more than three hundred "thulaathiyyaat", ahaadeeth with only three narrators between him and the Prophet (Sallallahu Alehe Wasallam).

Zaad al-Ma’ad | Provisions for the Hereafter

This book is one of the important resources of knowledge for those who seek to know the Seerah of their Prophet (Sallallahu Alehe Wassalam) as well as, the Fiqh learned from it. It is unique in that it explains the Sunnah through the Seerah and the Seerah through the Sunnah.

Bidayat al-Mujtahid: Distinguished Jurist’s Primer

The well known Book in 2 volumes by great Scholar Ibn Rushd on Shari'a science of Ilm al Khilaf, a discipline that records and analyses the differences among Muslim Jurists.

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