Fiqh urdu books New

Al-Muhalla | by Imam Ibn Hazm

A fabulous volume of 11 books on the Fiqh of hadeeth with more than 2000 Ahkaam and Masaail by the great imam of his time Ibn Hazm Al-Undulusi (translated into Urdu)

Al-Muwafaqat Fi Usul Al-Shariah [Updated]

An unprecedented book by Imam Al-Shatibi which is a commentary on the opinions given by Usuliyoon of the four prominent school of thoughts.

Ad-Durar Al-Bahiyah Fi Masaa’il Al-Fiqhiyyah | Fiqh Al-Hadeeth | Imam Shawkani

This is an Urdu translation of the popular book on fiqh issues by Imam Ash-Shawkani titled 'Ad-Durar Al-Bahiyah Fi Masaa’il Al-Fiqhiyyah'.

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