
Usul Madhab Al-Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal

Usul Al-Fiqh book in Arabic in the madhab of Al-Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal by Dr. Abdullah Bin Abdul Muhsin Al-Turki

Respect & Scholars | Shaykh Abu Adnan

Sheikh emphasizes on the reasons of difference of opinions among great scholars of our Ummah. Every scholar made an Ijtihad on a certain area, does not mean they wanted purposefully to differ from each other. Sheikh also warns as when an Ummah disrespects its own scholars and disregard their words, it ceases to exist.

An Introduction to Zaad al-Mustaqni

This is a translation of Zaad Al-Mustaqni (Summary of Fiqh from the Muqni' of Imam Al Muwaffaq Ibn Qudama) with one predominant opinion, with additional notes taken from Al-Raud Al-Murbi` and other sources.

Jamai’ Al-Usool | Al-Wajeez Fi Usool Al-Fiqh

This book "Jamai' al-Usool" in the Urdu translation of the author's Arabic book on Usool al-Fiqh titled "Al-Wajeez fi Usool Al-Fiqh".

Bidayat al-Mujtahid: Distinguished Jurist’s Primer

The well known Book in 2 volumes by great Scholar Ibn Rushd on Shari'a science of Ilm al Khilaf, a discipline that records and analyses the differences among Muslim Jurists.

Ad-Durar Al-Bahiyah Fi Masaa’il Al-Fiqhiyyah | Fiqh Al-Hadeeth | Imam Shawkani

This is an Urdu translation of the popular book on fiqh issues by Imam Ash-Shawkani titled 'Ad-Durar Al-Bahiyah Fi Masaa’il Al-Fiqhiyyah'.

Al-Qawâid Al-Fiqhiyyah | Legal Maxims of Islamic Jurisprudence

Studied at the Islamic University of North America (Mishkah), the book presents an accurate definition of the Islamic legal maxims and gives lots of examples on each rule in a simple way.

Fiqh Project: Sharh Umdatul Fiqh – Fiqh of Hajj (Pilgrimage) by Sheykh Abu Adnan

Detailed Audio lesson series for the Fiqh of Hajj (Pilgrimage), part of the book of al-‘Umdah tul Fiqh of the Hanbali school of Fiqh (Madhhab)

The Comprehensive Fiqh of Fasting | Zaad al-Mustaqni | – Shaykh Ahmad Jibril

An ongoing series of one lesson per day for whole of Ramadan 1435H by Sheykh Ahmad Jibril that explains the classical book of Zaad al-Mustaqni in reference to the Comprehensive Fiqh of Fasting

Between Following The Evidence, And Imitating The Scholars

Shaykh answers the question concerning the one who differs in a fiqh matter, also explains if it is the right of every individual to take the words of imam of his madhhab or to research the matter and see evidences

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