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Miscellaneous Authors

The Prophet Feared This More than the DAJJAL

An urgent and powerful message calls for urgent action on global injustices, urging unity and internal reform within the Muslim world to unlock its true potential. Strong leadership and collective responsibility are key to shaping a better future.

The month of Shaban – An Analysis of Authentic and Unauthentic virtues

It is not permissible to perform any specific action on the fifteenth of Shaban or perform any specific worship on the night of it. However, there is evidence that the Prophet ï·º fasted this month abundantly.

How Can You Help the Oppressed ?

This article discusses what we can do as an individual for our brothers and sisters who are suffering in Myanmar especially along with oppressed ones in Syria, Palestine, Kashmir and else where.

7 Things Successful Muslims Do Every Morning!

Waking up in the morning feeling rushed? Feeling as though your mornings aren’t turning out right? Well, there’s a way to fix this.

Beware of rumours at times of crisis

This article is an advise to everyone to verify matters and not to rush to pass on news until they are sure that it is true.

Earthquakes & Natural Disasters

Undoubtedly the earthquakes that are happening these days are among the signs which Allaah uses to frighten His slaves. All the earthquakes and other natural disasters which happen and cause harm and injury to people are because of Kufr, Shirk and sins.

Natural Disasters – An Islamic Perspective

Article discusses that the earthquakes that are happening these days are among the signs which Allaah uses to frighten His slaves. All the earthquakes and other natural disasters which happen and cause harm and injury to people are because of Kufr, Shirk and sins.

Adorning Knowledge With Actions

A highly beneficial good read on the importance, virtues, and necessity of adorning knowledge with actions.

Good Bidah (Bid’ah Hasana)

This article responds well to the the untrue claims that Bid'ah (Innovation) is sometimes 'Good' in religion with proofs in the light of Qur'an and authentic ahadith.

View of Ahl Al-Sunnah towards the Sahabah

This article sheds light on the attitude of a Muslim towards the Sahabah which should be that of love, respect, peace and purity of hearts and tongues.

Lying and Decieving – A Sickening Disease !

A must read article that sheds light on one of the most serious disease of heart, one of the serious sins 'Lying', it's damages caused to an individual, family, or to a group.

Winter – The believer’s best season !

This article shows that winter time is a special time that we should mark not by being down, lazy and inactive, but rather by reviving our energy in worship and servitude to Allah in at least four ways

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