Author: Abdullah ibn Abi Zayd Al-Qayrawani
List of Contents:
28.1 The obligation of the Hajj
28.1a. The meaning of Hajj
28.1b. The word Bakkah
28.1c. Preconditions of its obligation
28.1d. The meaning of ‘way’
28.2 Ihram
28.2a Its miqats
1. The Miqat of time
2. The Miqat of place
28.2b Physical Miqats
28.2c How to go into Ihram
28.2d The intention
28.2e Performing a ghusl
28.2f Removing stitched clothing
28.2g A ghusl when entering Makka
28.2h Continuing the Talbiyah
28.2i Not being excessive in the Talbiyah
28.3 Entering Makkah ….
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