Non Muslims

Understanding Islam with Two White Muslims

Islam made Easy!  This page is especially for our non-Muslim brothers and sisters in humanity who would like to know about Islam, or have misconceptions about Islam.

Say NO to Islamophobia

"And never think that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers do. He only delays them for a Day when eyes will stare [in horror]." Surah Ibrahim, Verse 42 (Holy Qur'an)

Was Jesus a Christian or a Muslim?

The author asks the reader to examine this book with an unbiased mind and open heart to the truth that may lead to the right decision which shapes one's life in this world and the world to come.

What did Jesus Really Say

In this book it will be demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt (by God’s will), through the words of the Bible and some of history’s most eminent Biblical scholars and references only, how most of the founding beliefs of Christianity today were indeed fabricated by mankind after the departure of Jesus (pbuh) and that Jesus (pbuh) himself never had anything whatsoever to do with them.

Promised Prophet of the Bible

In spite of the alterations made to the Holy Bible, it still contains many prophecies that foretell the arrival of the "Final prophet". It has been almost 2000 years since Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) came to this earth; yet, these prophecies have not been fulfilled; therefore, we ask when will it be? .....Read more

Was Jesus Crucified For Our Atonement?

The author answers this question and others resulting from it, logically, scientifically; from Christian Holy Bible, considering the professes of the history and the wisdom of Christianity’s wise men as evidence.

The Story of Jesus (‘Isa) Peace be upon him, the Prophet of Allah

"And mention in the Book (the Qur’an, O Muhammad, the story of) Mary, when she withdrew in seclusion from her family to a place facing east.....

Debate: Crucifixion – Fact or Fiction? Ahmed Deedat Vs Robert Douglas

Watch the debate where Sheykh Ahmad Deedat proves that Jesus peace be upon him was not crucified inline with what Qur'an declares, contrary to the Christian's belief.

Jesus Christ (Peace be upon him) in Islam by Shaykh Ahmed Deedat

Beautiful talk by Sheykh in Sydney Australia emphasizing the status of Jesus Christ in Islam

Debate: Was Jesus Christ (PBUH) Really Crucified? Dr. Zakir Naik debates Pastor Ruknuddin

This Debate was held in India, Dr. Zakir Naik debates Pastor Ruknuddin whether Jesus was really crucified....

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