Raising the Hands During Jummah Khutbah for Duaa’ by Sheykh Ahmad Jibril

Author: Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril (Hafidhullah)

Raising hands in general duaa is sunnah with many hadith to support that and it is among the etiquette of duaa in showing humility to Allah subhanu watala.

Alnawawi said:

The ahadeeth on the prophet sallah allahu alieh wasalam raising his hands in duaa’ is more than what can be counted and I have compiled thirty hadith on that from Bukhari and Muslim alone).

There is an exception in raising hands in duaa’ and that is where there is proof from the action of the prophet sallah allahu alieh wasalam that he did not do it in particular matters of worship such as during Jummah Khutbah.

The correct opinion is neither the imam nor the followers raise their hands in duaa’.

أخرج مسلم رحمه الله عن عمارة بن رؤيبة أنَّه رأى بشر بن مروان رافعاً يديه على المنبر فقال: قبَّح الله هاتين اليدين،” لقد رأيت رسول الله صلَّى الله عليه وسلم ما يزيد على أن يقول بيده هكذا: وأشار بأصبعه المسبِّحة”. قال النووي فيه أنَّ السنَّة ألا يرفع اليد في الخطبة

Muslim narrated that Umarah bin Ruai’bah seen one of the leaders of bany umaiah raising his hands on the pulpit and he said (May Allah disgrace those two hands. I seen the prophet sallah allahu alieh wasalam on the pulpit and he never did more than this (meaning he raised his index finger).

Al Nawawi commenting on this hadith said:

The sunnah is not to raise the hands during the khutba).

وفي (الصحيحين) من حديث أنس رضي الله عنه: لم يكن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يرفع يديه في شيء من دعائه إلا في الاستسقاء

Anas Radia Allahu Anh narrated in Bukhari and Muslim that the prophet sallah allahu alieh wasalm never raised his hands in any duaa’ other than istiskaa (Duaa’ for rain).

Ibn Hajar and others mentioned that Anas radia Allahu Anh did not mean in (ALL of duaa’) as his statement may appear, but rather only in specific situations.  In clearer terms, Anas radia Allahu anh meant that he, sallah allahu alieh wasalam, did not raise his hands on the pulpit except in Istiskaa (rain-seeking) prayers.  Even though he did not mention on the pulpit, that’s definitely what he meant because there are so many hadith on raising ones hands in general duaa’.  There is no way that could have went unnoticed by a companion who so long served and followed the prophet Muhammad Sallah Allahu alieh wasalam.

Therefore, it is not in compliance with Sunnah to raise the hands in supplication during  jummah for the imam or for the followers.

Jummah is an ibadah, just like duaa is an ibadah.. it’s an ibadah within an ibadah…

We don’t raise our hands in salah, in circumbulating the ka’bah, or running in safah and marwah, even though we make duaa’ in those ibadah.  Likewise, due to the fact that the prophet sallah allahu alieh wasalam did not raise his hands during jummah, we follow in his footsteps and also not raise our hands.

Rasing the hands within a ibadah (circumumbulating the kaa’bah, during jummah, or during salah) is an additional move within a worship that needs proof. That’s why the scholars said it was wrong to raise the hands during jummah.

The prophet sallah allahu alieh wasalam remained preaching on the pulpit for ten years and we don’t have a single authentic narration that he raised his hand in a single jummah.  The sahabah were specific in narrating to us his moves.  He, sallah allah alieh wasalam, did istiskaa (rain-seeking) prayers a few times during his life yet prayed nearly every jummah for ten years.  For istiskaaa, they narrated to us that he raised his hands to the point the whiteness under his armpits show, yet did not narrate the same about jummah.

In fact, they were so specific in narrating his moves during jummah that they narrated he never raised but his index finger while on the pulpit and nothing else.

This shows who in reality follows the sunnah.  We raise our hands on the pulpit during istiskaa and we do not raise our hands during jummah khutbah.  The Prophet sallah allahu alieh wasalam did it in one scenario and one scenario only which was for istiskaa.

As to those who make a distinction between the imam and followers that say the imam does not raise his hands but the followers do:

The respose to that aspect is that in that in analogy (قياس مع نفي الفارق) where there is no difference in the situation, setting or circumstance between the two,  the same ruling applies.  The follower is like the imam because there is no distinguishing factor between the two in qiyas.

Ibn Taymiyyah said in the Fatawa:

It is disliked for an imam to raise his hands in khutbah; and it is the correct of two opinions of the Hanbaly mathab because the prophet sallah allahu alieh wasalam used to point with his finger when he makes duaa (Istiskaa being the exception to the raising of ones hands on the pulpit).

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