Explore the diversity and flexibility in the practice of Taraweeh prayers within Islamic jurisprudence, highlighting how differences in the number of Rakats, ranging from 8 to 20 or more, reflect a broader principle of tolerance and unity among Muslims..
In a thought-provoking lecture, the speaker delves into how intrusive behavior impacts others, from the distress it causes children to the myriad personas one...
Sheikh summarises the entire message of the Quran, in 30 lessons especially to those who have never really read the Quran before. Goal after listening to every lesson is to enable readers to then read the entire juz (para) themselves.
Sheikh highlights the importance of taking a righteous companion especially among youth in modern age where a lot of fitnah and distraction is present to lead one's son, daughter, brother or sister astray.
In this Jumuah Khutbah, Sheikh highlights the importance of Ramadan, its days its nights and sheds light on how one shall act in this blessed month to avoid becoming one of the doomed ones.
In preparation for Ramadan, Sheikh speaks about the virtues of Ramadan and gives some advice on how we should worship and act during Ramadan and how we should keep our good deeds outside of Ramadan.