
Possessed, Jinn, Sihr and Ruqyah | Sheikh Ammar Shahin

The speaker gives a detailed talk on identifying the Magic, and its cure from the Ruqyah Shariah.

Solution to the Current Issues of Muslim Ummah from the Seerah of our Noble Prophet (saws)

In this book, the author presents the solutions of the current issues and misery that our Ummah is going through after mentioning the root cause behind it

How Can You Help the Oppressed ?

This article discusses what we can do as an individual for our brothers and sisters who are suffering in Myanmar especially along with oppressed ones in Syria, Palestine, Kashmir and else where.

When they Challenged Allah (Al-Jabbar)

A beautiful reminder explaining one of the names of Allaah while taking the short lessons from the history of some of the biggest tyrants who ever walked on this face of earth

Do Not belittle Your share | Spread the word

This article discusses what we can do as an individual for our brothers and sisters who are suffering in Aleppo, Myanmar, Palestine, Kashmir and else where.

The Reality of Dunya

Beautiful reminder from brother Hoblos explaining the reality of this Dunya and how it deceives you. The talk reminders you to be focused in your goal of Akhira (Jannah) while still taking the best out of this Dunya.

7 Things Successful Muslims Do Every Morning!

Waking up in the morning feeling rushed? Feeling as though your mornings aren’t turning out right? Well, there’s a way to fix this.

Sheikh Alaa Elsayed Video Lessons

Sheikh Alaa is the Director of Religious Affairs for the Islamic Centre of Canada-ISNA. He is a favorite tutor with AlKauthar and works closely with Mercy Mission’s projects worldwide.

Ramadan Health Guide

This e-book is your practical nutrition and exercise guide for Ramadan and no doubt contains Healthy Hacks for an awesome Ramadan

Madarij Al-Salikeen | Sheikh Abu Adnan (Updated)

This monumental work was written based upon a book by Imam Abu Ismail al-Ansari al-Harawi in which he spoke about over a hundred stations that a believer can go through, all of these expounded upon by Imam Ibn al-Qayyim. Explained in English by Sheikh Abu Adnan.

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