Surat Al-Alaq | Tafsir of Juz Amma by Shaykh Abu Bakr Zoud

Speaker: Sheikh Abu Bakr Zoud

Series: Tafseer Juzz Amma of Qur’an

The focus of this series is more of a linguistic, and literary approach:


1- Deeper meanings of the Ayaat from a grammatical aspect, meanings that are lost in the English translations.

2- To demonstrate the cohesive flowing nature of the Quran, and how it’s all one unified argument.

3- The precision of word choice, why a specific word is used, as opposed to other words that have the same meaning.

Tafseer Surat Al-Alaq – Part 1

In this lesson (Aayaat 1 & 2 of Surat Al-Alaq) we’ll study:

  • The amazing parallels between Surat Al-Teen & Surat Al-Alaq.
  • The story of the beginning of the Wahi.
  • Who is Waraqah ibn Nawfal and was he a companion?
  • Why did the Prophet ï·º chose to go to the cave of Hira?
  • What are the 3 meanings of Iqra?
  • Why was Iqra the first command before all other commands?
  • The 3 methods of reflecting over the creation of Allah.
  • Why was the stage of Alaq (blood clot) mentioned as oppose to all the other stages of embryo development?

Tafseer Surat Al-Alaq – Part 2

In this lesson part 2 (Aayaat 3-8) of Surat Al-Alaq:

  • Why was the command “Read” repeated twice and why was it the first command?
  • What is the greatest blessing of Allah upon his servants in this Surah?
  • “Kalla (No!) comes in the Quran many times, what does it mean?
  • What is the remedy for arrogance?
  • The story of Abu Jahl preventing the Prophet (s) from praying at the Kabah.

Tafseer Surat Al-Alaq – Part 3

In this lesson part 3 (Aayaat 9-19 end) of Surat Al-Alaq:

  • What was Abu Jahl’s real name?, why did his story come up especially in Surat Al-Alaq?
  • What’s are the consequences of ignorance?
  • Allah refers to the Propeht ï·º as “Abda (Slave)” not “Nabian (Prophet), Why?
  • What is the worst sin one could commit?
  • What is the greatest worship?
  • Abu Jahl will be dragged by his forehead, why is this mentioned & how is it equal punishment to his crime?
  • The Surah began with a command and ended with a command, what lessons can we learn form this?

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