Tafseer Soorah Al-Faatihah

Speaker: Ustadh Muhammad Al-Bizry

Ustaadh Muhammad Al-Bizry discusses the meaning and importance of Ummul Kitaaab, the opening Soorah of Quraan, Al-Faatihah.

Part # 1 : The Soorah’s Meaning and Opening

Ustadh Muhammad Al-Bizry discusses the meaning of the Soorah’s name and its opening Aayah.

Part # 2 : Ayaah 2 to 4

Ayah 2 to 4 from Soorah Al-Faatihah is being discussed in this part.

Part # 3 : Ayaah 5 to 7

Ayah 5 to 7 from Soorah Al-Faatihah is being discussed in this part and the conclusion.

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