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The Other Side of Sufism

This compilation is based mainly on critique of Sufism entitled โ€œIlat-Tasawwuf Ya Ibbadallah,โ€ by ash-Shaikh Abu Bakr al-Djazaโ€™iri, a renowned teacher in the Islamic University in al-Madinah al-Munawwarah, Saudi Arabia, and a preacher in the Prophetโ€™s Masjid there. This booklet is also based on a discourse entitled โ€œal-Anwar ar-Rahmaniyyeh,โ€ by the late ash-Shaikh Abdur-Rahman al-Afriqi, in which he exposed the deviant tenets of the al-Tijaaniyyah Order, along with many other relevant works of different descents.

This book is presented to Muslims in pursuance of the aims and objectives to help Muslims understand the Qurโ€™an and the Sunnah as they were understood by as-Salaf as-Salih (the companions of the Prophet) and those who adhere to their methodology, and to expose, on the other hand, all forms of bidโ€™ah (innovations) in matters of religion, so that the Muslims may follow the straight path of Allah and disregard the deviant ways, sects and orders that have no share in Islam.

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The Other Side of Sufism

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