
Quran Kareem ki Fazilat | Virtues of Quran | Shaykh Hafiz Abdul Azeem

Sheykh first starts with detailing the virtues of Quran and then elaborates to implement the commandments given by Quran in Muslim's lives rather than only focusing on its recitation. He then informs about the evil tidings given by Quran who act contrary to what Qur'an commands and ordains

Taqdeer (Qadar) Par Eeman – by Shaykh Abdul Haadi Abdul Khaliq

Shayh delivers an abridged talk on the last pillar of the 6 pillars of Eeman, the Qadar (Taqdeer) by providing the meaning of believing in it, its levels and its virtues in a very good easy to understand way

Haqiqat-e-Waseela::شیخ عطاء الرحمن سعیدی وشیخ عبدالہادی حفظہما اللہ

Shaykh explains the definition, types, halal and haram waseela, and it's reality of usage in Qur'an. A Must watch for Urdu viewers !

The History of the Prophet’s mosque – 6 Parts [Urdu version]

The original "Urdu version" of the history of the prophet's mosque obtained by us from one of the Museums in Madinah

Seerat-e-Muawiyah (R.A)

Sheykh explains the virtues of Muaawiyah (R.A) and refutes strongly those who criticize and mock him.

Allah par eeman bhi Latay hein aur saath Shirk bhi

An Audio lecture which explains the corruption of Shirk with the Tawheed in a Muslim's Aqeedah

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