HomeVideo | Audio UrduShaykh Tauseef ur Rehman Rashidi

Shaykh Tauseef ur Rehman Rashidi

Munkar-e-Hadeeth is Infact Munkar-e-Quran – by Shaykh Tawseef ur Rehman

Shaykh explains about those deviated individuals / groups that exist within Muslims today in the guise of Islam who change the meaning of the Qur'an, and reject Ahadeeth to suit their extreme whims and desires.

Qayamat kay Din Nakami kay Asbab – By Sheykh Tawseef ur Rehman Rashidi

Shaykh explains the reasons of being unsuccessful on the day of judgement, watch, take heed and share with your loved ones

Analysis of the evidences given for celebrating Eid Milaad un Nabi – by Sheykh Tauseef ur Rehman

Sheykh provides detailed analysis and refutes evidences given in favor of celebrating Eid Milaad un Nabi.

Luqman Hakim ki Wasiyat (Wasayah Luqman) By Shaykh Tauseef Ur Rehman

"O my son! Join not in worship others with Allah. Verily! Joining others in worship with Allah is a great Zulm (wrong) indeed. [Surah Luqman, verse 13]

Kya Murday Suntay hain ??? By Shaykh Tauseef Ur Rehman

Sheikh explains as whether dead can hear us in the light of Quran and Sunnah

Gunahoa ko Dho Denay walay Aa’maal (Deeds that wipe out the sins) by Shaykh Tauseef ur Rehman Rashidi

Good Deeds wipe out the sins, explained by Sheikh, as per hadeeth "....and follow a bad deed with a good deed....."

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