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HomeUrdu Books

Urdu Books

The effort to make the Holy city of Quds a Jewish State

The author has highlighted in detail the effort to make Quds a Jewish state in the light of Quranic and hadeeth, documental, and Statistical references.

Al-Itqaan Fi Uloom Al-Quran

An unprecedented work on the Uloom of Quran by as-Suyuti where he has narrated 80 types of the sciences of Quran out of which 20 types revolves around the recitation (Qiraa't) of Quran

Ikhtilaaf of Fuqaha in Qawaid Usuliyah and its impact on Masail Fiqhiyyah

In this book, Professor Mustafa Saeed al-Khen has reviewed Qawaid Usulliyah and has explained in detail the visible effects due to the differences in these Qawaid between Jurists.


In this book the author presents in detail the biographies of 96 Tabiyeen shedding light on their life aspects of religion, morality, knowledge, their struggle to reform societies and nations, and their struggle in the path of Allaah.

Solution to the Current Issues of Muslim Ummah from the Seerah of our Noble Prophet (saws)

In this book, the author presents the solutions of the current issues and misery that our Ummah is going through after mentioning the root cause behind it

Al-Muhalla | by Imam Ibn Hazm

A fabulous volume of 11 books on the Fiqh of hadeeth with more than 2000 Ahkaam and Masaail by the great imam of his time Ibn Hazm Al-Undulusi (translated into Urdu)

Takfeer | Reasons, Signs and Ruling

A Must Read: In this book, the author has presented splendid arguments on this ideological dis-balance and modern Khawarijism which is even worse than the ones who emerged in early Islamic history.

Shafat Ka Bayan | Kitab Ash Shafat

A Must Read: One of the most misunderstood topics of Today in Aqeedah is Shafa't (Intercession) on the day of Judgement and Waseela (means) among many of us. In this beautiful book, the noble author has touched many important topics to address this misunderstanding

Aima Islam | Rafa ul Malam An Aimatul Islam

This book is an Urdu translation of Sheikh ul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah's Risala "Rafa ul Malam 'An 'Aima tul A'alaam".


This book at the time of it's authorship, was the first book written in the Urdu language on the Ottoman's history in 1939. It has been presented by incorporating translations from selected English, Arabic, and Persian authentic books as well as selected Turkish and French history books.

Ghunyat ul Talibeen | Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani

Ghunyat ul Talibeen was one of those prominent books by noble Sheikh in which he has given his Fiqhi opinions on the topics of Salah, Siyaam, Zakah, Hajj, Adhkar, and Fadail Aamaal backed by Quranic and Hadeethic references.

Sabeel ul Momineen | The Path of the Believers

A much needed book to read and ponder up at a time when the Tarbiyah of the Soul and Body of a believer is required the most. The Author has explained with simplicity the Moral and character that should be present in an Islamic society or community.

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