The book in front of you is founded on the topic of Hijaab/Niqaab. This is in the form of an interesting and informational dialogue between three female friends presented in a unique style which details the Ahkaam and Masaa'il of Hijaab/Niqaab.
In this book, the author has provided the history of Valentine's day, it's promotion by the various media, the reasons of 'Why we shall not celebrate it', and it's value from the perspective of Islam (Shariah) along with some rulings by various Scholars of Islam.
This book was sold out with it's 1 million copies within days of it's first publishing. One of the masterpieces written by the well known author which guides the lost man of today with it's gems and jewels guidance, a book which is full of the flowers of wisdom extracted from Qur'an and Sunnah..
This book is a discussion on those unfortunate people who deprived themselves from Repentance from their sins. We hope that this book will invoke Khashyah and shall become a cause of getting Towfiq of true and sincere Repentance asked from Allaah Subhana Wa Ta'ala.
This book is the commentary of the well known Aqeedah book "Aqeedah Wastiyyah" of the ocean of knowledge "Sheikh ul Islam Ahmad bin Abdul Haleem Ibn Taymiyyah" (May Allah have mercy upon him). Commentary is done by prominent Mufti of Saudi Arabia Sheikh Muhammad bin Salih Al-Uthaymeen.
This Fatawa book of 500 Masa'il is the Urdu translation of Arabic book "500 Jawab Fil Buyua' Wa Muamalat" by the prominent scholars, whose purpose is to guide Muslims to follow Qur'an and Sunnah in their business transactions.
This book is the Urdu translation of "Usool As Salasah and its Sharah" of the prominent author. This book is not only beneficial for Students of knowledge and laymen rather mandatory due to the fact that no action is accepted and rewarded by Allaah without pure intentions, does not matter how much beautiful it is from outer appearance...
This book unleashes this modern day fitna by providing a thorough analysis of the points put forward by the modern day hadeeth rejectors while it also sheds light on Hujjat Hadeeth, and Preservation of Hadeeth.
It has been observed that almost 70% of the Bid'ah present in the Ummah today consist of belief and events around the phase of death of the deceased, the mourning by the people around him/her, the start of proceedings towards Grave and the actions done after it to benefit the dead. In this small booklet, author has beautifully addressed these issues very precisely.