HomeVideo | Audio EnglishShaykh Ahmad Jibril

Shaykh Ahmad Jibril

Ramadan Daily GEMS

Daily Short talks given by Shaykh in Ramadan of 1434H - 2013.

The Comprehensive Fiqh of Fasting | Zaad al-Mustaqni | – Shaykh Ahmad Jibril

An ongoing series of one lesson per day for whole of Ramadan 1435H by Sheykh Ahmad Jibril that explains the classical book of Zaad al-Mustaqni in reference to the Comprehensive Fiqh of Fasting

Is it permissible to ask others to make Duaa’ for You? by Shaykh Ahmad Jibril

Shaykh answers this question by touching a very important topic from one of the core aspects of Tawheed "Reliance on Allah swt". A Must watch.

The Legend of Islam : Imam Bukhari – By Shaykh Ahmad Jibril

Shaykh Ahmad narrates the story of the great legend of Islam, The Mujaddid, the Revivor, Imam Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ismaeel bin al-Mughirah al-Bukhari.

The Bad and the Good End..by Shaykh Ahmad Jibril

Shaykh emphasizes on the importance of meeting your Lord with good or bad ending by giving examples of our pious predecessors

Muslims NOT Ramadanies!! By Sheykh Ahmad Jibril

Shaykh emphasizes as how a Muslim's life should be consistent in pleasing Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala throughout the 11 months outside of Ramadan as well...

Fiqh of Itikaf and related Questions in a nutshell..by Sheykh Ahmad Jibril

Sheykh explains the virtues of Itikaf, the issues and conditions of Itikaaf and the usual questions asked by Muslims in performing it with getting the most out of it.

Are You Ready For Ramadan? by Sheykh Ahmad Jibril

"O you who believe! Observing As-Saum (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious)" [Al-Baqarah:183]

Sprinting the Last Ten Days of Ramadan…by Sheykh Ahmad Jibril

The last 10 days of Ramadan are to free oneself from the punishment of the hell fire. In these 10 days, Allah SWT has blessed Muslims with a special night.....

Before You Backbite or Slander, Listen To This! – By Shaykh Ahmad Jibril

An excellent powerful advise and warning to all Muslims who make their tongues dirty with backbiting or slandering other Muslims

“Eager For You To Follow The Right Path” by Sheykh Ahmad Jibril

A Jummah Khutbah by Shaykh explaining how much Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was eager for mankind to follow the correct path to get them true salvation.

We Are Proud of Our Prophet’s Marriage To Ayesha – By Shiekh Ahmad Musa Jibril

Sheikh refutes amazingly with his excellent style and memory to the modernists and all those who try to portray this marriage as an issue.

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