
Legacy of Islam in China

An amazing part of the world whose history regarding Islam is yet unknown to most of the mankind today

The History of the Prophet’s mosque – 6 Parts Video [English version]

This is the original English version of the history of the prophet's mosque obtained by us from one of the Museums in Madinah during our Hajj Trip 2013.

How to CORRECTLY Calculate your Zakat – an Easier way

A Short video tutorial in knowing how to correctly calculate your Zakat in the most easiest manner and an easy to use Zakat Calculator

Eating Habits in Ramadan..by Kamal El Mekki

A Must listen lecture for Muslims in how to correct and maintain the eating Habits in Ramadan to maximize the worship of Allah SWT

Documentary: Pray As You Have Seen Me Pray

Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) said "Pray as you have seen me praying" [Bukhari]

The End of Riba by Bilal Dannoun

This beautiful lecture discusses the many issues pertaining to the prohibition of Riba (Interest, Usury)

Hellfire – Lectures (1 – 4) By Shaykh Feiz

Sheikh Feiz spends four lessons explaining in detail the Hellfire

Death Series – Lectures (9 – 12) By Shaykh Feiz

Lectures 9 - 12- Exceptional lecture series explaining detailed events around death, after death and day of resurrection, a series that surely changes someone's life...

Death Series Lectures (5 – 8) by Shaykh Feiz

Lectures 5 - 8 - Exceptional lecture series explaining detailed events around death, after death and day of resurrection, a series that surely changes someone's life...

Death Series – Lectures (1 – 4 ) By Shaykh Feiz

Lectures 1-4 - Exceptional lecture series explaining detailed events around death, after death and day of resurrection, a series that surely changes someone's life...

Your Last Day on Earth – By Shaykh Feiz

"As it draws nearer to us everyday, we try to not think of it. Death. We have adopted a love for this world and fear of death and the hereafter....."

“To Veil or Not to Veil” by Muhammad Elshiwany

“And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty..." (Al-Qur'an)

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