HomeVideo | Audio EnglishMuhammad Al-Bizry

Muhammad Al-Bizry

Tafseer Soorah Al-Faatihah

Ustaadh Muhammad Al-Bizry discusses the meaning and importance of Ummul Kitaaab, the opening Surah of Quraan, Al-Fatihaah

Universal Principles of Arabic [Updated]

Taught using examples from the Quraan, hadeeth and common Arabic words, this series is a must for those who wish to take their Arabic to the next level or for those who simply have a love for the language.

Tafseer Soorah Al-Hujuraat

Ustadh Muhammad Al-Bizry speaks about this great Surah which is also called as Surah Ikhlaaq and Surah Adaab, the Surah of manners, something (manners) which is missing in abundance in our community and globally these days.

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