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Video | Audio English

Steadfastness Against Fitnah & Secrets to Success

Shaykh Abu Bakr Zoud eloquently discussed Ibn al-Qayyim's five paths to victory at Masjid Al-Humera.

The Urgent Obligation: Your Relationship With The Quran | Abu Bakr Zoud

A lesson that will build your unique relationship with Quran specially in this blessed month of Ramadan

The Pure Heart | Sheikh Abu Bakr Zoud

This beautiful talk given by Sheikh Abu Bakr Zoud emphasizes on attaining a pure heart by taking the example of the lives and tests faced by Ibrahim and his son Ismail Alehissalam with a contrast to our lives of today. 

Issues Related To LG.B.T That Muslims In The West Must Be Aware Of | Abu Bakr Zoud

This important talk discusses the dangers of normalizing this group's practices and beliefs among the community and the very-true intricate relationship between the nation of Lut and their followers that exist today.

Ramadan Daily GEMS

Daily Short talks given by Shaykh in Ramadan of 1434H - 2013.

The Message of The Quran in 30 Lessons – Sheikh Yasir Qadhi

Sheikh summarises the entire message of the Quran, in 30 lessons especially to those who have never really read the Quran before. Goal after listening to every lesson is to enable readers to then read the entire juz (para) themselves.

TheDeenShowTV – Islamic TV Show

Beautiful and amazing reminders from this awesome Islamic TV show.

Seven Lessons from the Crises of Coronavirus (COVID-19) | Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi

Shaykh derives thought-provoking lessons from the current developing situation around the world due to Coronavirus

The Story of the Companions | Abu Bakr Zoud

Inspirational and beautiful lessons learnt from the lives of some of the selected companions of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)

Best of Days Series (updated) | Sheikh Abu Bakr Zoud

Inspirational and beautiful reminders from Sheikh Abu Bakr Zoud in relation to the first Ten days of the Dhul Hijjah, the best of the days.

Understanding Islam with Two White Muslims

Islam made Easy!  This page is especially for our non-Muslim brothers and sisters in humanity who would like to know about Islam, or have misconceptions about Islam.

Say NO to Islamophobia

"And never think that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers do. He only delays them for a Day when eyes will stare [in horror]." Surah Ibrahim, Verse 42 (Holy Qur'an)

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