When is Ramadan – The Principle of Maslehah

Moon SIGHTING Please..and NO Moon FIGHTING, for verily you will FIGHT if you don’t SIGHT (the moon)

Unfortunately, the following statement is getting very popular among people, specially when a well known moon-sighting website expresses its views over the moon sighting issue in the favor of Calculation, and comments:

In the present era of scientific and technological advancement, three decades after man landed on the moon, some Muslims are still avoiding the use of scientific knowledge for making an Islamic calendar and get over with the feuds and having to wait till midnight for a confirmation of moon sighting.

This statement seems pleasant apparently and strikes the brains of many Muslims however, the reality goes against the principles and guidelines set by the Creator Allah Subhana Wa Ta’ala Himself. It’s so unfortunate that we are living in an era where every year, the issue of moon sighting is raised just before the start of Ramadan which can be avoided by following one SINGLE principle of “sighting the moon” as per the clear hadeeth.

If one holds the view that today after the birth of Science and immense technological advancements, sighting the moon is similar to sticking to the orthodox way and avoiding the worldly praiseworthy innovations, then he holds a false view. In understanding this view, he indirectly complains that Allah Subhana Wa Ta’ala has not revealed a Shariah which in fact lacks this aspect due to which fighting and arguments occur every year. A religion where our beloved Prophet (SAWS) have not even left the details of how to go to toilet and which hand to use to perform Istinja (cleaning private parts), will he (SAWS) not inform us of an issue which is of utmost importance in starting a month such as Ramadan? An issue if not properly followed, deprives all Muslims (not one Muslim) who follow a particular organization, from fasting a full one day OR make them celebrate Eid Al-Fitr on the day which should have been fasted.

Know that the same Lord of the worlds Allah, Subhana wa ta’ala who gave this miracle to his beloved prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alehe wassalam) to show to the world by splitting the moon 1400 years ago, could have very easily informed him every month (not limited to Ramadan only) via Wahi (revelation) via Jibrail, about the “birth of the moon”. However Allah did not choose this way rather He informed His Prophet to SIGHT the MOON.

Know that our unification, and harmony on this issue must be based upon the Haq (Truth) and which Haq is better than the Muhkam (clear) hadeeth of Rasool Allah (Sallallahu alehe wasallam):

Do not fast unless you sight the crescent, and do not break your fast till you sight the (following) crescent.

(Al-Bukhari, Vol. 3:130).

On this issue, our Salaf Saliheen (pious predecessors) have a clear stance who have strongly condemned, refuted and written strict and strong rebuttals for those using “Calculation” (Hisaab) as their only way in starting or ending Islamic months, lest aside Ramadan and Shawwal (for Eid). We ask our brothers and sisters in Islam, who go in favor of calculation, probably are not aware that Mutashaabih (unclear) ahadeeth are used to justify the method of astronomical Calculation. Picking and choosing a Generic hadeeth to justify the act of not sighting the moon, when a Muhkam hadeeth is already present, clearly shows turning a blind eye to a hadeeth, which is as clear as a bright and shining sun in a summer day.

Islam requires us to take the means and not to reject the means, to take the middle path and not to go on extreme either way. The best approach is to use astronomical proofs to estimate moon sighting and then sight the moon in actuality to start the lunar month, an approach that would not only utilize astronomical science but also will reconcile with the hadeeth of Rasool Allah Sallallahu Alehe wassalam and our Salaf who worked out this issue for us in detail already.

Moreover, be advised that another backdoor used to justify Calculation is “Maslehah”, aka “Taking a decision for the betterment of the society”. The correct understanding of Maslehah is to follow the Quran and the Authentic Sunnah and not compromise on it. Otherwise, many doors will be opened which cannot be closed easily. May Allaah protect us from that and make us from those who follow the Sunnah.

Following lecture explains the correct understanding of Maslehah for the betterment of the Muslim community in the light of Qur’an, Sunnah and Ijmaa’ (derived from above two sources).

Sheykh Abu Adnan explaining the Principle of Maslehah

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