
The Urgent Obligation: Your Relationship With The Quran | Abu Bakr Zoud

A lesson that will build your unique relationship with Quran specially in this blessed month of Ramadan

Ramadan Daily GEMS

Daily Short talks given by Shaykh in Ramadan of 1434H - 2013.

The Message of The Quran in 30 Lessons – Sheikh Yasir Qadhi

Sheikh summarises the entire message of the Quran, in 30 lessons especially to those who have never really read the Quran before. Goal after listening to every lesson is to enable readers to then read the entire juz (para) themselves.

Best of Days Series (updated) | Sheikh Abu Bakr Zoud

Inspirational and beautiful reminders from Sheikh Abu Bakr Zoud in relation to the first Ten days of the Dhul Hijjah, the best of the days.

The Fiqh of Worship: A Commentary on Ibn Qudamah’s ‘Umdat al-Fiqh

Dr. Hatem al-Haj has translated and elaborated on this book, noting the opinions of other schools of Islamic jurisprudence, thus giving the English-speaking student a broader base for his or her understanding of fiqh.

Sheikh Alaa Elsayed Video Lessons

Sheikh Alaa is the Director of Religious Affairs for the Islamic Centre of Canada-ISNA. He is a favorite tutor with AlKauthar and works closely with Mercy Mission’s projects worldwide.

Virtues of the Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah

Sheikh explains the virtues of the month of Dhul Hijjah emphasizing that there are no days greater in the sight of Allaah and in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Him than these ten days. And which things to avoid if one plans to perform Udhhiyah.

Khataon ka Aaei’na | Mistakes in your mirror

The book discusses in detail various mistakes which are found in Ibadah of muslims today which puts his whole Ibadah at stake in front of his creator. This book is an unprecedented example in itself on this topic.

Inner Dimensions of the Prayer | Asrar al-Salah

Imam Ibn Qayyim's 'Asrar al-Salah' is from among powerfully inspiring works that take the reader through a vivid journey of the stages of prayer and their profound spiritual significance combined with the physical actions that symbolize submission, surrender and humility to Allah........

Fada’il Ashrah ZulHijjah aur Ahkaam Eid ul Adha

One of the best books discussing the virtues of the first 10 days of Zul Hijjah and the Ahkaam and Issues in celebrating Eid ul Adha.

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