
How to Perform the Hajj – By Ibn Uthaymeen

Rasoolullaah Sallallahu Alehe wasallam said: "The accepted Hajj - there is no less a reward for it than Paradise."

Hajj & Umrah from A to Z

A careful scientific approach that gradually guides pilgrims, to perform the Hajj rituals very easily and smoothly, developed through an educational perspective that handles ill critical issues of Hajj rituals from a learner’s viewpoint

Hajj & Umrah | Al-Risalah, A Treatise On Maliki Fiqh

A very good treatise on the Hajj and Umrah from the perspective of Maliki Fiqh

The Kabah

This book is devoted to the Ka'bah and discusses its origins and construction, the connection of Hajrah (Hagar) and Isma'il (AS) to it, what has happened to it as it has been destroyed and rebuilt throughout the ages..

Winter – The believer’s best season !

This article shows that winter time is a special time that we should mark not by being down, lazy and inactive, but rather by reviving our energy in worship and servitude to Allah in at least four ways

Fiqh Project: Sharh Umdatul Fiqh – Fiqh of Hajj (Pilgrimage) by Sheykh Abu Adnan

Detailed Audio lesson series for the Fiqh of Hajj (Pilgrimage), part of the book of al-‘Umdah tul Fiqh of the Hanbali school of Fiqh (Madhhab)

Who is Doomed this Ramadan? Jumuah Khutbah by Sheikh Abu Adnan

In this Jumuah Khutbah, Sheikh highlights the importance of Ramadan, its days its nights and sheds light on how one shall act in this blessed month to avoid becoming one of the doomed ones.

Ramadan Panel – Sheikh Abu Adnan Sheikh Abu Bakar Zoud and Sheikh Ahmad Tahir

The Mashaykh prepares us for the Holy month of Ramadan. Venue: MIA Sydney Australia

Ramadan, The Month of Victory – Sheikh Abu Adnan

In preparation for Ramadan, Sheikh speaks about the virtues of Ramadan and gives some advice on how we should worship and act during Ramadan and how we should keep our good deeds outside of Ramadan.

The Significance Of Ramadan – Sheikh Zahir

A talk given by Shaykh regarding the virtues of the blessed month of Ramadhan and how to prepare for it.

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